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Here you can suggest what to discuss about; you can propose to our editors what forums to open. This is the place to discuss about everything you may have in mind.
74215 years 1 week ago
by Tom Gold
This forum is mostly about tessellations. You can share your Hexa Puzzle experience here.
51315 years 5 weeks ago
by kangyu
If you are hooked on sudoku and just want to say how much fun you are having, if you need to blow off steam about it or how it has changed your life, then this is the place where you can have your say.
1118 years 48 weeks ago
by Visitor
Methods, approaches, tricks and techniques for solving Sudoku puzzles.
1715 years 5 days ago
by talbertshone
Share your programs and ideas here.
1318 years 12 weeks ago
by BitShifter
A place to discuss your hypotheses, solving rules and theories.
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