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The Last 2 TV Show - TV format, synopsis

Vulnerant Omnes, Ultima Necat!

The Last 2


The LAST 2 - Synopsis
Game show /puzzle
(5 x 25 minutes, prime time access)

Do you want to be a rich champion? Take part in this simple funny game, sit in the "champion's chair" - and remain there three times successively. The survivor gets a large cash prize. All you have to do is to find a word starting with the last two letters of the word found by the previous competitor. Among all nine competitors just one of them shall participate in the next show. Meanwhile, viewers at home are kept involved with additional features, such as SMS. The format is flexible in terms of target audience, prize scheme and may be produced off-air with a low budget.

The format rights are available worldwide.

The Format Recognition And Protection Association


If you want to see the full format script, please send us an email.

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